Class Information

What to expect

Every class will be filled with a wide range of experience in the 5Rhythms – from first timers to old-timers. You are different every time you walk into the room and so is the group, so each class holds endless possibilities.

This is a free form dance class, there are no steps to follow and you don’t need to know what you are doing – just keep moving your feet and let the rest follow.

As you enter the space you are invited to set your belongings down and join us on the dance floor. Go ahead and warm up, walk around, stretch, move as the music inspires you. You don’t need to wait for anyone’s permission to begin!

We dance a warm up wave, then gather for a short teaching, then dance again.

5Rhythms is at the surface a simple and accessible practice, it is also a deep one. The more regularly you attend, the deeper your practice will become. The more you dive in, the more you will unravel and discover.

During class…
1. Go at your own pace.
2. Be responsible for your own body (stay aware of injuries and limitations).
3. Keep your eyes open and stay aware of others.
4. Dance barefoot or in dance shoes only – socks are too slippery.
5. Move how you feel and stay open to this changing moment to moment.
6. Know that everything alive has a dance, and your only task is to find and express yours.
7. Enjoy yourself! This is freedom in motion. Have fun!


Jan 28 | Feb 11 | Mar 10 & 24 | Apr 14 & 28 | May 12 & 26 | June 09 & 23 | July 14 & 28 | Aug 11 & 25 | Sep 08 & 22 | Oct 13 & 27 | Nov 10 & 24 | Dec 8